Mouse and Rat Control
Do You Have A Mouse or Rat Problem?
Mice and rats can do a large amount of damage in your home if left untreated. Their constant gnawing has even been known to start electrical fires.
Once inside your home, mice and rats will live in kitchen cupboards, or more commonly in your walls and in the ceiling. You may hear the pitter patter of tiny feet or the sound of scratching and squeaking inside your walls or ceilings, particularly at night when the nocturnal animals are most active.
Pest Exterminators Senior Technicians have years of experience in finding and treating Mice & Rats.
Do You Suspect you have a Mouse or Rat Problem?
Some people hear gnawing in the wall cavity, others noise in the roof. Whilst it is hard to say whether you have Mice or Rats one thing is for sure – A full Inspection is always necessary.
Rats and Mice, if left to their devices can wreak havoc and spread disease in your usually well-kept household whether it’s through contaminating your food, leaving waste droppings and urine in your house or simply contaminating things they touch.
It really doesn’t take long for small damages and that nasty smell to accumulate.
Call The Pest Control Experts Now. Our friendly office staff can book an Inspection and Treatment and even a Same Day Service.
Some signs of a Mouse or Rat Infestation
Droppings, damaged food packets, half eaten food and urine stains are all common signs we see as Pest Technicians.
Once inside your home, mice and rats will live in kitchen cupboards, or more commonly in your walls and in the ceiling. You may hear the pitter patter of tiny feet or the sound of scratching and squeaking inside your walls or ceilings, particularly at night when the nocturnal animals are most active.
Our staff are Trained & equipped with the correct equipment to find issues fast within your home. Mouse or Rat issues have to be discouraged quickly, effectively and of course safely.
While you are waiting for an Expert Pest Technician to arrive
- Do not clean up droppings
- Do not mop
- Do not throw away half eaten food
- Do not throw away damaged items (including food wrappers

What Can I Do to Help My Pest Technician Eradicate Rats and Mice?
Our Trained Technicians abide by our company policy to always consult with you, the customer.
He or she will help you understand potential issues around your home that can be serving as an attractant for Mice and Rats.
He or she will usually Identify Entry points, decide whether to use a baiting or trap system and even fill out a full report so you can better understand your particular situation. We offer simple and effective solutions to control them fast, particularly infestations
When you call in the pest control experts from Pest and Termite Exterminators you are calling in professionals. We can provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan that will keep rats and mice away for good.